Gold – delivering excellence in cyber security education
A successful application that achieves the Gold Award Criteria will be recognised as a CyberFirst School/College – Gold Award.
They will have evidenced their commitment and dedication to delivering excellence in cyber security education.
The Gold Award will be awarded for a period of 3 years.
Silver – delivering good standards of cyber security education
A successful application achieving the Silver Award Criteria will be recognised as a CyberFirst School/College – Silver Award.
As well as evidencing their commitment to delivering good standards of cyber security education, they must also have plans to achieve Gold Award, which is fully supported by their Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
The Silver Award will be for a period of up to 2 years during which the school/college must apply for Gold Award recognition to ensure that there is no period where a school/college does not have an award in place.
Bronze – aspiring to provide excellence in cyber security education
Successful applications meeting the Bronze Criteria will be awarded the CyberFirst School/College Bronze Award.
They will have evidenced aspirational goals to deliver good cyber security education, as well as their plan, supported by Senior Leadership, to achieve them.
The Bronze Award is awarded for 18 months after which the school/college must apply for a Silver or Gold Award.